Modeling, Simulation, Prototyping & Validation

Tuesday, AUGUST 13, 2024

Time Event
8:00 a.m.

Opening of GVSETS and the Technical Sessions in Legacy Ballroom, 2nd Floor

Jim McManus, GVSETS Chair

Valde Garcia, President, NDIA-Michigan

Dr. David Gorsich, Chief Scientist, U.S. Army DEVCOM Ground Vehicle Systems Center (GVSC)

8:20 a.m.

Autonomy Panel: Human-Machine Integrated Formations

Moderator: Dr. Robert Sadowski, Chief Roboticist, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC

COL Ken Bernier, Project Manager, Future Battle Platforms, Program Executive Office Ground Combat Systems (PEO GCS)

Kurt Bruck, Vice President, Neya Systems

Robert Monto, Director, Advanced Concepts and Critical Technologies, U.S. Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical

Technologies Office (RCCTO)

Leland “Kent” Shea, Product Manager, Robotics & Autonomous Systems, PEO CS&CSS

Dr. Amber Walker, Senior Vice President, Ground, C2, and Maritime Systems, Parry Labs

9:20 a.m.

Best Paper Announcement

Dr. David Gorsich, Chief Scientist, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC

Dr. Gregg Wildes, Business Development Manager, DornerWorks

9:30 a.m.

Exhibitor Break

10:05 a.m.

Welcome to the Modeling, Simulation, Prototyping & Validation Tech Session

Dr. Mark Brudnak, Senior Technical Expert, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC

Timothy Lee, Vice President, Intelligent Systems Division, DCS Corporation

10:10 a.m.

Immersive Visualization Exploration of Crew Station Design for Acquisition Programs

Caleb Simmons, Senior Principle Engineer, Torch Technologies

Rachel Agusti, Branch Chief, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC

David Brown, Computer Engineer, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC

Rachel Hackenbruch, Industrial Designer, Torch Technologies

David Hess, Software Engineer, Torch Technologies

Kyle Kovacin, Industrial Designer, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC

Aaron Smith, Industrial Designer, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC

Colin Stewart, Software Engineer, Torch Technologies


10:30 a.m.

AI/ML Digital Twins of Hardware-in-the-Loop Systems

Dr. Wesley Colley, Senior Fellow, Torch Technologies

Joel Banyai, Principle Engineer, Torch Technologies

Joshua Gordy , Senior Engineer, Torch Technologies

Matthew Mills , Software Engineer, Torch Technologies

Randall Warren , Senior Engineer, Torch Technologies


10:50 a.m.

The Use and Benefits of Modeling and Simulation With Autonomous Vehicles

John Whitt, Modeling, Simulation, and Software Test Division Chief, Aberdeen Test Center

Paul Bounker, Computer Engineer, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC


11:10 a.m.

Vehicle-Level Control Systems Framework For Use In Create-GV Vehicle Dynamics Simulations

Dr. Bohumir Jelinek, Research Assistant Professor, Mississippi State University (MSU)

Greg Henley , Senior Research Engineer, MSU

Angela Card, Senior Research Engineer, MSU

Tyler Hannis, Research Engineer III, MSU

Michael Gibson, Research Engineer III, MSU

Jody Priddy, Senior Research Engineer, Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)

Sara Boyle, Computer Scientist, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC

Dr. Miriam Figueroa-Santos, Mechanical Engineer, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC

Dr. Jeremy Mange , Research Computer Scientist, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC


11:30 a.m.

A Tailored Analytical Approach to Design Synthesis from Concept to Reality

Carl Jolma, Systems Engineering Team Lead, GS Engineering, Inc.

Robert Minger, Product Manager, Systems Engineering, GS Engineering, Inc.


11:50 a.m. Lunch

1:05 p.m.

Introduction to the MSPV Afternoon Session

Dr. Vamshi Korivi, Technical Expert, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC

Dr. Wayne Mindle, Director of Sales & Marketing, CertaSIM LLC

1:10 p.m.

Assessment of Artificial Magnetic Conductor Checkerboard-Arranged Applique for Ground System Radar Cross Section Reduction

Dr. Nathan Tison, General Engineer, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC

Dr. Jeffrey D'Archangel , Optical Scientist, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC


1:30 p.m.

Characterizing and Modeling Lightweight Structural Composites at High Strain Rates for use from Arctic to Desert Environments

Dr. Robert Hart, Technical Specialist - Composite Materials, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC

Dr. Evan Patton, Senior Engineer, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC

Joseph Hamilton, Principal Engineer, Karagozian & Case

Isabela Cardenas, Senior Engineer, Karagozian & Case

Dr. Huiyang Luo, Principal Scientist, Director of Mechanical Testing Lab, Karagozian & Case

Joseph Magallanes, Principal, President & CEO, Karagozian & Case


1:50 p.m.

Integration of Vehicle Dynamics with Finite Element Composite Structure Simulation

Andrew Montalbano, Mechanical Engineer, Clemson University

Dr. Gregory Mocko, Associate Professor, Clemson University

Dr. Gang Li, Mechanical Engineer, Clemson University


2:10 p.m.

Development of Machine Learning Models for Predicting Wind Fields Around Military Ground Vehicles

Dr. Roy Koomullil, Associate Professor, University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)

Emmanuel Ramogi, Graduate Student, UAB

Feroz Iqbal, Graduate Student, UAB

Peter Rynes, Vice President of Government Services, ThermoAnalytics

Dr. Vladimir Vantsevich, Professor, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Dr. Vamshi Korivi, Technical Expert, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC

Dr. Nathan Tison, General Engineer, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC


2:30 p.m.

Exhibitor Break

3:15 p.m.

Introduction to the MSPV Final Session

Dr. Matt Castanier, Research Mechanical Engineer, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC

Arkady Grunin, Mechanical Engineer, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC

3:20 p.m.

Off-Road Autonomy Validation Using Scalable Digital Twin Simulations Within High-Performance Computing Clusters

Tanmay Samak, Ph.D. Student, Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research (CU-ICAR)

Chinmay Samak, Ph.D. Student, CU-ICAR

Joey Binz, M.S. Student, Clemson University

Dr. Jonathon Smereka, Senior Technical Expert, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC

Dr. Mark Brudnak, Senior Technical Expert, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC

Dr. David Gorsich, Chief Scientist, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC

Dr. Feng Luo, Professor, Clemson University

Dr. Venkat Krovi, Professor, CU-ICAR


3:40 p.m.

Fidelity Requirements For Digital Scenes In Off-Road Autonomous Ground Vehicle (AGV) Simulation

Dr. Christopher Goodin, Associate Research Professor, Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems (CAVS), Mississippi

State University (MSU)

Dr. Daniel Carruth, Associate Director, CAVS, MSU

Dr. Lalitha Dabbiru, Assistant Research Professor, CAVS, MSU

Michael Hedrick, Undergraduate Research Assistant, CAVS, MSU

Brandon Black, Graduate Research Assistant, CAVS, MSU

Zachary Aspin, Research Mechanical Engineer, U.S. Army ERDC

Justin Carrillo, Research Mechanical Engineer, U.S. Army ERDC

John Kaniarz, Senior Computer Engineer, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC


4:00 p.m.

How the Cloud is a Mission Enabler for Embedded System Development

John Brabbs, Tech Expert-Software Development Infrastructure, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC

Dr. B. Colby Jones, Innovation and Outreach Director, SAIC Technical Fellow, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)


4:20 p.m.

Accelerating Autonomous Vehicle Development and Evaluation with the VANE Simulation Tool Suite

Garrett Holden, Research Mechanical Engineer, U.S. Army ERDC

Zachary Aspin, Research Mechanical Engineer, U.S. Army ERDC

Dr. John Monroe, Research Mechanical Engineer, U.S. Army ERDC

David McInnis, Research Mechanical Engineer, U.S. Army ERDC

Collin Davenport, Research Mechanical Engineer, U.S. Army ERDC

Dr. Phillip Price, Research Physicist, U.S. Army ERDC

Dr. Brad Hansen, Research Civil Engineer, U.S. Army ERDC


4:40 p.m.

Validating Sensor Models for Off-Road Autonomous Mobility

Andres Morales, Mechanical Engineer, University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)

Ryan Lamm, Executive Director R&D, Southwest Research Institute

Samuel Misko, Project Manager - Commercial & DoD Programs, UAB

Nicholas Bowen, Advanced Analytics Engineer, UAB

Scott Bradley, Director, Keenesaw Research Center

Dr. Paramsothy Jayakumar , Senior Technical Expert, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC


5:00 p.m.

MSPV Tech Session Conclusion

Dr. Mark Brudnak, Senior Technical Expert, U.S. Army DEVCOM GVSC

Timothy Lee, Vice President, Intelligent Systems Division, DCS Corporation

5:15 p.m.

Networking Reception: GVSETS Visits The Wild Wild West — Outdoor Patio